Archive | Theory of Tariff

Tariffs, Production and Consumption (With Diagram)

Let us first discuss the impact of tariff on production and consumption. The above diagram 1 demonstrates that any tariff tends to raise the domestic price of a commodity above its free trade level and thereby stimulates domestic production and reduces domestic consumption of the commodity in question. This is shown more clearly again in partial equilibrium analysis in the [...]

By |2015-08-10T17:57:15+05:30April 22, 2015|Theory of Tariff|Comments Off on Tariffs, Production and Consumption (With Diagram)

Tariffs and Elasticity of Offer Curves (With Diagram)

The second point that needs emphasis here is that aside from retaliation, the shape of the foreign country's offer curve will largely determine the degree to which a country will improve its terms of trade by imposing a tariff. In the following figure 5, there are a number of foreign offer curves of different elasticities OF1, OF2, OF 3 and [...]

By |2015-08-10T17:57:34+05:30April 22, 2015|Theory of Tariff|Comments Off on Tariffs and Elasticity of Offer Curves (With Diagram)

The Optimum Tariff (With Diagram)

In the absence of retaliation, a country should be able to levy a tariff on imports which yields some optimal terms of trade and hence an optimal level of community welfare. Beginning at the free trade position (or any tariff- distorted trade position) as a country raises its tariff unilaterally, the terms of trade improve and the volume of trade [...]

By |2015-08-10T17:58:03+05:30April 22, 2015|Theory of Tariff|Comments Off on The Optimum Tariff (With Diagram)
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