Everything you need to know about the importance of directing.

While studying the characteristics of directing you must have realized that, every activity performed in the organisation is initiated through directing. Directing integrates people from all levels of management towards achievement of common objectives.

Through directing managers instruct their subordinates about ‘what they should do’, ‘when they should do’ and ‘how they should do’ and ensure that all instructions are followed and implemented in proper perspective.

It is the effective directing which helps an organisation to function efficiently and effectively.


The importance of directing can be studied under the following heads:-

1. Initiates Action 2. Integrates Employees’ Efforts 3. Means of Motivation 4. Facilitates Changes 5. Provides Balance and Stability 6. Ensures Co-Ordination

7. Improves Efficiency 8. Assists Stability and Growth 9. Attempts to Get Maximum out of Individuals 10. Resolution of Conflict between the Goals 11. Improving Communication 12. Improving Human Relations

13. Effective Control 14. Effective Leadership 15. Improving Morale 16. Activation of Workers 17. Creates Flexibility 18. Aims to Achieve Organisational Objectives 19. Supplements other Managerial Functions and a Few Others.

Importance of Directing: Means of Motivation, Improves Efficiency, Improve Human Relations, Improving Morale and a Few Others

Importance of Directing – Initiates Action, Integrates Employees’ Efforts, Means of Motivation, Facilitates Changes and Provides Balance and Stability

Directing is an important management tool just like planning, organising and staffing.


The importance of direction has been explored as follows:

1. Initiates Action:

Direction initiates action based on the preconditions set under planning, organising and staffing. This implies that managers stimulate actions by supervising, motivating and leading their subordinates in the right way. Direction activates employees to work for achieving organisational goals.


2. Integrates Employees’ Efforts:

The work and activities of employees across all levels are interrelated and direction attempts to integrate all individual efforts.

Individual efforts are integrated through coordination between plans, resources and human efforts and through guidance, supervision and counselling. For example- a manufacturing unit consists of raw material handling storage, production unit, packaging unit and a distribution unit, which operates in accordance to the customer demand for the product. Direction will attempt to integrate the activities across all these units to keep up to the customer demand and reap its benefits in the form of profits, customer loyalty and reputation.

3. Means of Motivation:

Organisational goals can be achieved by motivated employees who work willingly and perform to their best of their abilities. Directing helps in motivating employees to contribute their maximum efforts towards achieving organisational goals. For example, an employee has a deadline to complete and submit a report at a particular time but loses confidence in between due to stress and time pressure. The manager sits with the employee and helps identify key inputs to be incorporated in the report. He/she reviews the report to ensure all points are covered and waits in office till the employee e-mails a good comprehensive report to the client.

4. Facilitates Changes:

Direction enables an organisation to adapt to changing conditions through better leadership and communication. For example, during the global recession of 2008, many firms in India feared a possible loss of jobs due to an economic slowdown and uncertainty. Superiors in many organisations openly commu­nicate about the uncertainty with their employees and explain with relevant reasons about the possibility of no increments in salaries to avoid job losses.

5. Provides Balance and Stability:

Direction involves communication and integration of all activities across all units of an organisation to achieve organisational goals. There are however possibilities where individual goals (of employees) can often cause conflicts with organisational goals. These conflicts can be sorted under direction through relevant rewards and recognition provided to employees with exceptional abilities and skills. For example- senior managers of a company would recommend one subordinate in a business unit to obtain a ‘Star Performer Award’ every quarter for exceptional work (sales or team building activities). The award aimed at ensuring that the subordinates in every business unit continue striving for individual goals which also set the pretext for achieving organisational goals.

Importance of Directing – Initiates Action, Ensures Co-Ordination, Improves Efficiency, Facilitates Change and Assists Stability and Growth

It plays a very important role in management. Direction is just like the heart of administration.


This direction provides the following benefits:

1. Initiates Action:

Without direction, planning, organizing and staffing become ineffective, Directing activities the sub-ordinates to do things as originally planned. It makes it possible to achieve the mission and objectives of the organization.


2. Ensures Co-Ordination:

Direction helps in co-ordination among various operations of the enterprise. It is the essence of operations and co-ordination is a necessary by product of effective direction.

3. Improves Efficiency:

Through direction, managers, encourage and influence employees to contribute to the best of their capability for the achievement of organizational objectives.


4. Facilitates Change:

An organization must adopt itself to environmental changes in order to be effective. Moreover, there are changes in organization structure and in its members. In order to incorporate and implement these changes management has to motivate and guide the employees.

5. Assists Stability and Growth:

In order to survive and grow in the long run, an organization must maintain balance in its different parts. Effective leadership and communication provide stability in the organization and help to ensure that its parts work in a harmonious way.

Importance of Directing

Directing or Direction function is said to be the heart of management of process and therefore, is the central point around which accomplishment of goals take place.

Being the central character of enterprise, the importance of direction is explained as under:

Importance # 1. Direction Initiates Actions:


Directions are the function which is the starting point of the work performance of subordinates. It is from this function the action take place; subordinates under­stand their jobs and perform according to the instructions given to them. All the predetermined plans can be implemented only when the actual work starts.

It is there that direction becomes beneficial. Through direction, management conveys and motivates individuals in the organi­zation to function in the desired way to get organizational objectives. Without direction, other managerial activities like planning, organizing and staffing become ineffective.

Importance # 2. Direction Integrates Employees’ Efforts:

Successful achievement of organizational objectives is only possible when efforts of every individual are directed towards the same. Through direction, the superiors are able to guide, inspire and instruct the subordinates to work. It is through direction only; the efforts of every department can be related and integrated with others.

Integration of efforts brings effectiveness and stability in the organisation. Thus, individuals’ efforts need to be integrated so that organization achieves its objectives in the most efficient manner and this is possible through direction only.

Importance # 3. Direction Attempts to Get Maximum out of Individuals:

A manager makes use of the elements like motivation, leadership, and communication to improve the performances of subordinates. Direction provides the way to utilize these capabilities and also it helps in increasing these capabilities. Superior performance of employees is ensured by proper direction to them.

Proper direction to subordinates by managers enables the organization to get best from their subordinates. Organization performance improves greatly when every employee gives his best to the organization.

Importance # 4. Direction Facilitates Changes in the Organization:


Directing enables the organization to cope up with the changing conditions of the environment through effective communication and leadership. It is general human tendency to show resistance to change. Adaptability with changing environment both internal and external helps in the success of business.

Before the change is introduced, the employees may be informed about the nature of changes and the benefits that are likely to follow and they may be taken into confidence through effective leadership and motivation and guidance.

Importance # 5. Direction Provides Stability and Balance in the Organization:

Effective leadership, communication and motivation, provide stability in the orga­nization and maintain balances in the different parts of the organization. Thus, organization exists for a long period and its parts work in a harmonious way.

Importance of Directing – Resolution of Conflict between the Goals, Improving Communication, Improving Human Relations, Adoption of Change and a Few Others

1. Resolution of Conflict between the Goals:

Often there is a conflict between individual goals and organizational goals. It is here the role of direction assumes significance. Direction engenders in employees a sense of belonging to the organization and helps in integrating both the individual and the organizational interest.

2. Improving Communication:


Direction helps in improving the free flow of communication throughout the organization. The use of faster means of communication, face to face contact, use of technology, clarity in communication etc., are ensured through proper direction.

3. Improving Human Relations:

Provision of incentives, use of monetary and non-monetary motivators, and use of positive motivators in right dosage contribute to congenial relations among human assets functioning in the organization. Direction accomplishes smooth human relations through motivation and right leadership.

4. Adoption of Change:

It is quite natural for workers to resist any change brought in their rhythm of work. In this connection manager has to clarify to workers the need and necessity for adaption to change. Thus organization is able to absorb the changes warranted.

5. Effective Control:


Supervision is an integral part of direction. Supervisor is better placed to know the potentials, capability and skill level of workers working under them and entrust the work suited to their competency. They assist employees in times of need. They also regulate their deviant behaviour through tight supervision. Thus direction in the form of supervision ensures effective control over subordinates.

6. Effective Leadership:

Leadership enables the superiors to exercise influence over their subordinates. There are three different styles of leadership namely autocratic, democratic and laissez faire. Leaders use appropriate leadership style suited to the nature of employees and the organizational climate in each organization.

Though all the styles yield results, the leader chooses a leadership style depending on his personality traits, nature of the subordinates, situation prevailing in the organization and so on. Without leadership employees cannot be directed towards the goal. Direction provides orders, advice, counselling, mentoring, guidance, etc., to enable the employees to march ahead towards the goal posts.

7. Improving Morale:

Directing helps the organization in maintaining high morale. Implementation of wellbeing measures, recognition of talents through right motivators, choice of appropriate leadership styles, providing career progression opportunities, providing freedom to innovate etc., build a positive climate in the organization. All these initiatives build up high morale among the employees.

8. Activation of Workers:

In the absence of direction function, human assets remain static and passive. Employees are given proper order, suitable advice and right guidance for achieving the goals. The application of motivation techniques and providing right leadership to employees impel them to put in best efforts towards goals accomplishment action.

The transparent and barrier free communication shores up the confidence of the employees. The right of supervision contributes in no small measure in achieving best results at work. Thus entire bandwagon of direction galvanizes the organization towards accomplishing the preset goals.

Importance of Directing

Importance # 1. Direction Initiates Action:

The aim of direction is to activate employees to work towards the realization of predetermined goals of the organisation. Thus, without direction, other managerial activities like planning, organizing and staffing remain ineffective. All organisational activities are initiated through direction. Along with planning, organizing and staffing, managers must stimulate action by issuing instructions to subordinates and by supervising their work.

Importance # 2. Integrates Employees’ Efforts:

At all levels of management, there are subordinates under the managers. The work entrusted to the individuals is interrelated. The performance of each individual affects the performance of other. Thus, individual efforts need to be integrated so that the organisation achieves its goals. The directing function integrates the activities of the subordinates by supervision, guidance and counselling.

Importance # 3. Means of Motivation:

If employees are motivated to work willingly and perform to the best of their ability then only the achievement of objectives of organisation is possible. Directing performs this function. Through motivation, it helps the employees to give their maximum efforts for the attainment of organisational goals.

Importance # 4. Creates Stability and Balance in the Organisation:

Managerial direction involves interpersonal communication, effective leadership and motivation that help to maintain stability in the organisation. Leadership and communication also help in maintaining a balance between individual and organisational interest. The capabilities of employees are fully utilized to serve the interests of the organisation as well as the well-being of employees.

Importance # 5. Creates Flexibility:

Direction facilitates organisational adjustment to adjust with the changing conditions through better communication and leadership. For example, change in technology may necessitate changes in the manufacturing process; a computer may have to be installed and manual work reduced to improve the efficiency of operations. All organisations operate in a changing environment.

Hence, changes in the environment often require changes to introduce in the organisation. Such changes are often resisted by employees. Because they may fear that the changes will adversely affect the terms and conditions of their employment or their prospects of promotion. Such fears may be removed if the employees are informed about the nature of changes and the benefits that are likely to follow.

Importance # 6. Aims at Maximum Output:

Every individual in the organisation has some potentiality and capability. But, in the absence of motivation, leadership, communication and other elements of direction may not be utilized fully. Direction provides the way to utilize these capabilities and also it helps in increasing these capabilities.

Importance # 7. Aims to Achieve Organisational Objectives:

Accomplishment of organisational objectives depends on the integration of the individual inputs of all the employees. These individual inputs can be coordinated with the help of direction.

Importance # 8. Ensures Better Human Relations:

Direction helps in understanding the nature and needs of employees. Nature of employees can only be understood through two-way communication. Employee needs can be satisfied through financial incentives.

Importance # 9. Supplements other Managerial Functions:

In the process of managing, the manager has to perform many management functions, such as planning, organizing, staffing and controlling. To produce desired results, all these functions are initiated and actuated. And without effective direction, managerial functions remain less effective.

Importance # 10. Ensures Better Discipline among Employees:

Disciplined human force is needed for the smooth functioning and the success of the organisation. Through the process of directing, orders and instructions are given to the subordinates and they are inspired and motivated to follow them. The main purpose of direction is to get things done by subordinates. By supervising, guiding, educating and overseeing the activities of subordinates, they are made to work in a disciplined manner.

Importance of Directing

While studying the characteristics of directing you must have realized that, every activity performed in the organisation is initiated through directing. Directing integrates people from all levels of management towards achievement of common objectives.

Through directing managers instruct their subordinates about ‘what they should do’, ‘when they should do’ and ‘how they should do’ and ensure that all instructions are followed and implemented in proper perspective. It is the effective directing which helps an organisation to function efficiently and effectively.

Let us discuss the importance of directing:

1. Directing helps to initiate action by the people to achieve organisational objectives:

Every superior instructs or guides his/her subordinate about how to begin the task and clarifies doubts during the course of activities ensuring that the task is performed in the most efficient manner to achieve organisational objectives.

For example – The line supervisor gives instructions to workers about how to start production process. He also briefs them about operating techniques so that workers can operate machines with confidence and achieve their target production. He constantly supervises their work and helps them as and when required.

2. Directing integrates employees:

Directing ensures that each individual puts in efforts towards achieving the group objectives. The continuity in giving instructions helps directing to integrate the efforts of individuals as group effort towards achievement of organisational goals.

For example – Each individual possesses specific skills. Through directing, managers issue instructions to individuals in accordance to their skills. When the efforts of individuals are integrated, it enhances the performance of the group as a whole.

3. Directing motivates employees to realize their potential:

A manager not only gives instructions to employees to perform assigned tasks but also identifies each employee’s potential and capabilities. He assigns responsibilities to employees accordingly and motivates them to realize their potential. Manager may also arrange for adequate training to develop skills amongst capable employees. This increases confidence among employees leading to higher productivity and efficiency.

For example – The line manager could see that Shambhu, a worker was not only good at operating machines but also could repair the machines easily. He suggested him to take over the responsibility of factory maintenance. This motivated Shambhu to work with greater energy.

4. Directing facilitates introduction of changes in the organisation:

A business enterprise has to adapt to the changes in business environment for its survival and growth. However, employees may resist to changes in working environment unless the changes are introduced with proper reasoning and adequate training to employees. Effective directing through proper communication, motivation and leadership helps to introduce changes in the organisation with minimum resistance from employees.

For example – The production manager plans to change the old machinery with updated one. All workers are comfortable in operating the old machinery therefore resisted to change. However, the line manager decided to demonstrate the working of new machinery and inform workers of its benefits. On attending the demonstration, most workers were satisfied and accepted the change.

5. Directing brings in stability and balance in the organisation:

Effective directing not only helps employees to perform to their best but also helps an organisation to maintain balance between people working at different levels or departments or between employees and the management. Directing through leadership is able to foster cooperation and commitment amongst employees and the management.

For example – The sales manager wants production manager to increase production by 20% to meet the additional demand but production manager refuses to do so due to labour problems. The owner of the company may direct production manager to source additional goods from another supplier so that market demand can be met. The effective directing from owner will help both production manager and sales manager to overcome their problems and feel contented.

Importance of Directing – 5 Points which Emphasis the Inserter’s of Directing

The importance of directing can be understood by the fact that every option in the organisation is initiated though directing only. Directing guides towards achievement of comers objectives. Though directing, mangers not only toll the people in the organization as to what they should do when they should do and how they should do but implemented in proper perspective. Very often this becomes an inspire dance factor in the efficient and effective functioning of the organisation.

The points which emphasis the importance of directing are presented as follows:

1. Directing Helps to Initiate Action:

Directing help to initiate action by people in the organisation towards attainment of desired objectives.

For example – If a supervisor guides his subordinates and clarifies their doubts in performing a task, it will help the worker to achieve work targets given to him.

2. Directing Integrates Employees-Efforts in the Organisation:

Directing integrates employees efforts in the organisation is such a way that every individual effort contributes to the organisational performance. Thus, it ensures that the individuals work for organisational goads.

For example – A manger with good leadership abilities will be in a position to convince the employees working under his that individual efforts and team effort will lead to achievement of organisation goals.

3. Directing Guides Employees:

Directing guides employees to fully realize their potential and capabilities by motivating and providing effective leadership. A good leader can always identify the potential of his employees and motivate them to extract work up to their full potential.

4. Directing Facilitates Introduction of Needed Changes in the Organisation:

Directing facilitates introduction of needed changes in the organisation generally people have a tendency to resist changes in the organisation. Effective directing through motivation, communication and leadership helps to reduce such resistance and develop required co-operation in introducing changes in the organisation.

For example – if a manger wants to introduce new system of accounting there may be initial resistance from acting staff. But if mangers explains the purpose, provides training and motivates with additional rewards, the employees may accept change and co-operate with manager.

5. Effective Directing Help to Bring Stability:

Effective directing helps to being stability and balance in the organisation since it fosters co-operation and commitment among the people and helps to achieve balance among various groups’ activities and the departments.

Importance of Directing

Direction as an indispensable managerial function, since it is mainly concerned with human relations. Direction plays a very important role in management. Planning, organising and staffing are not enough. The management must stimulate action by giving orders to the subordinates and by supervising them as they proceed with their work. Direction is the heart of administration. It is the direction to subordinates only that secures greater or less efforts from employees and make.

The performance satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Management’s ability is to put to test by its capability of direction. Planning and organising are only preparations for works whereas performance and the real work begins with the directing function of management. Direction motivates, direction commands and direction controls the organisation. Direction provides necessary leadership in the business. It is a process of integration also. It is concerned with securing the fullest co-operation of people for the realisation of objectives.

This co-operation can be achieved only by good organisational communication, people oriented supervision and motivation. Favourable and healthy conditions must exist both within and outside the enterprise for enabling employees to develop their attitude to work. Directing play an important role in this process. It stimulates the plans and enlightens the organisation. It keeps the actives continued.

As a matter of fact, without the issuance of directions or orders as well as without guiding and supervising the subordinates, nothing would be accomplished. Direction does not get only the work done, but it develops future managers also.

Importance of Directing – Initiating Action, Integrating Group Effort, Improving Efficiency of Employees, Providing Stability in the Organization and a Few Others

The importance of directing can be viewed on the basis of the following points:

i. Initiating action – Other managerial activities become ineffective without proper direction. Direction is necessary to initiate action and for making optimum use of human and non-human resources. This helps the organization to achieve its objective in the desired manner.

ii. Integrating group effort – Direction integrates the activities of employees by supervision, guidance, and counseling. Direction helps in achieving the organizational goals through coordination of group efforts.

iii. Improving efficiency of employees – A manager (or superior) should try to inspire his subordinates to follow the given orders and instructions whole-heartedly. In this way, the employees can be motivated to work willingly and efficiently through the process of directing. Proper direction can deal with human factor of production sensitively to improve efficiency of employees through motivation.

iv. Providing stability in the organization – Effective direction maintains balance in individual and organ­izational interests. It helps the organization to stabilize itself and enable it to exist for a long period. Proper direction helps the organization to expand and grow in the right direction.

v. Coping with changing environment – A business operates in a changing environment. It is necessary to initiate changes in the functioning of the organization, its structure, and goals to cope with changing envi­ronment. Direction helps the management to incorporate and implement these changes through dynamic leadership and better communication.

vi. Facilitating discipline among employees – The main purpose of directing is to get things done by sub­ordinates. Employees are made to work in a disciplined manner by guiding and supervising their activities. They are motivated to follow their superiors for the smooth functioning of the organization.

Importance of Directing

1. Initiates Action:

Direction initiates action by top managers that motivates people to convert the resources into productive outputs. It gives substance to managerial functions of planning, organising, staffing and controlling. People learn to manage the resources in the most effective way that results in their optimum utilisation.

2. Creates a Sound Work Environment:

If directions are issued in consultation with employees (participative), it creates an environment of understanding where people work to their maximum potential, willingly and enthusiastically to contribute towards organisational goals.

3. Develops Managers:

Managers who are personally motivated to work can also direct others to work. Managers develop their skills and competence to direct others to follow. If managers and employees work with each other in harmony, it promotes skills of the employees and develops managers to assume responsibilities of higher levels in the organisation. Motivation, leadership and communication help in bringing people together.

They exploit employees’ talent to the fullest and also provide scope for their skill enhancement. This is beneficial for both the employees and organisation. Direction, thus, prepares future managers.

4. Behavioural Satisfaction:

Since direction involves human behaviour and psychology, employees feel behaviourally satisfied and personally inspired to achieve organisational goals.

5. Increase in Productivity:

Personally satisfied employees contribute towards output and efficiency of the organisation.

Direction gets maximum out of subordinates by exploiting their potential and increasing their capabilities to work.

6. Achieves Coordination:

Directing aims at continuous supervision of employees’ activities. It achieves coordination by ensuring that people work towards planned activities in a coordinated manner. It integrates the actions of employees that increases their understanding of mutual interdependence and their collective effort to achieve the organisational goals.

It also helps to harmonise individual goals with organisational goals.

7. Facilitates Control:

Coordination brings actual performance in conformity with planned performance. The controlling function is, thus, facilitated through effective direction.

8. Facilitates Change:

Direction helps in introducing change in the organisation structure and adapting the organisation structure to external environment. Organisation operates in the society as an open system and has to accept social changes for its survival and growth. People are not easily receptive to changes. Direction helps in changing attitude of people towards change and accept it as a way of life.

9. Facilitates Growth:

An organisation that is open to change is responsive to growth. Direction harmonises physical, financial and human resources, balances various parts of the organisation and creates commitment amongst people to raise their standards of performance.

Importance of Directing

In a globalised context, organisations are called upon to deliver stretch goals such as very high quality products at lower cost, economies of scale concurrent with high degree of customisation, or more output with greater outcomes using lesser and lesser resources. In this context, leading has spe­cial importance.

Let us look at some of them:

a. Enhances Effectiveness- Leading ensures that the organisation does the right thing the right way and thus increases the value for all stakeholders. In other words, leadership is important because it creates efficiency and effectiveness, concurrently.

b. Creates Synergy- Leadership energises the system and enables coordi­nated direction of multiple forces and resources including tacit resources such as organisational culture, trust, and knowledge sharing protocol in the organisation. Thus, it creates synergy of the organisational forces. An excel­lent example is how difficult competitors find it, to measure up to Virgin Atlantic airways, Google, or Toyota.

c. Drives Change- Leading is important because it can identify the emerging situation, create urgency and a coalition of people to address the need for change, and implement the change. Thus, leading is the driver for change.

d. Draws out Entrepreneurship- In organisations, managers have an entre­preneurial role. This implies proactive decision-making, taking the initia­tives, accepting risks, and creating change. These are important in the fast changing global scenario. Leading facilitates managers to take up this role. This rule is often referred to as ‘intrapreneurship’ (the letter ‘i’ indicat­ing that the manager acts like an entrepreneur but internally/within the organisation).

e. Enables Co-creation- Today, products and services rely more on co-creation between the customer and the organisation. While co-creating, the manager has to take several independent and proactive decisions. If managers are bent on directing rather than leading, co-creation would be quite impossible as the subordinate would have to look over his/her shoulders every time he/she has to co-create with the customer.

f. Initiates and Sustains Action- While directing can initiate action, it cannot sustain the tempo, and even if it can, it cannot achieve the momentum that leading can. This is because in the leading context, as against directing con­text, goal setting is ‘participatory’ and accountability is ‘joint’.

g. Sustains Motivation- Leading can generate and sustain intrinsic motivation because the follower is drawn to the leader not because of an extrinsic force such as rewards and compensation, but by the force created by the ‘joint fate’ inherent in the leading process. Hence, it creates self-motivation, and we know that self-motivation is more sustainable than other types of motivation.

h. Creates High-performance Work Systems- High-performance work sys­tems (HPWS) are the emerging work systems in organisations. Leading cre­ates the synergy, enables in setting and executing stretch goals and provides support and inspiration to create and sustain HPWS.

Importance of Directing – (With the Features of Directing)

Directing is the process of instructing, guiding, motivating, and leading the people in an organization to achieve its objectives. Directing is also called as activating by some authors, though infrequently. However, the term directing (or direction) is more common.

Directing has the following features:

1. Directing is an executing function of management. While other management functions discussed so for — planning, organizing, and staffing — set the platform for actions, directing executes the actions, that is, puts the actions into practice.

2. Directing function is performed at every level of management. It is performed in the context of superior-subordinate relationship and every manager in the organization performs his duties both as a superior and a subordinate, except at the top.

3. Directing is a continuous process and it continues throughout the life of the organization. A manager needs to give orders to his subordinates and motivate, lead, and guide them on continuous basis.

4. Directing initiates at the top level in the organization and follows to bottom through the hierarchy. It emphasizes that a subordinate is to be directed by his own superior only.

Importance of directing can be gauged by the statement “directing is the heart of management.” Just as heart supplies blood to every organ of the living body, directing puts all other management functions in action.

In the context of an organization, importance of directing is as follows:

1. Initiation of Actions:

Organization is the sum-total of human and non-human resources. These resources should be handled in a certain way to get the desired results. Through directing, a superior conveys and motivates his subordinates in the organization to work in the desired way to achieve organizational objectives. Without direction, other managerial functions like planning, organizing, and staffing become ineffective.

2. Integration of Employees’ Efforts:

For achieving organizational objectives, individuals need not only be efficient, but effective also. Their actions are interrelated in such a way that each individual’s performance affects the performance of others in the organization. Thus, individuals’ efforts need to be integrated so that organization achieves its objectives in the most efficient manner and this is possible through directing only.

3. Getting Maximum out of Individuals:

Every individual in the organization has some capabilities which may not be utilized fully in the absence of proper motivation, leadership, communication — elements of directing. Directing provides the way to utilize these capabilities properly.

4. Facilitating Change in the Organization:

An organization works according to requirements of its environment. Any change in the environment requires change in organizational functioning so that it matches environmental requirements. Since this is a continuous process, the organization makes changes from time to time. To incorporate and implement these changes, management should motivate individuals affected by these changes. Motivation is an essential element of directing.

5. Providing Stability and Balance in the Organization:

Effective directing provides stability in the organization and maintains balance in its different parts. Thus, the organization exists for a long period and its parts work in a harmonious way.