Archive | Perfect Competition

Price Determination under Perfect Competition | Markets | Economics

Perfect competition is defined as a market situation where there are a large number of sellers of a homogeneous product. An individual firm supplies a very small portion of the total output and is not powerful enough to exert an influence on the market price. A single buyer, however large, is not in a position to influence the market price. [...]

By |2017-11-13T10:23:56+05:30November 13, 2017|Price Determination|Comments Off on Price Determination under Perfect Competition | Markets | Economics

AR and MR Demand Curve under Perfect Competition | Markets

In this article we will learn how to draw the AR and MR demand curve under perfect competition. A firm under perfect competition is price-taker. This simply means it can alter its volume of output and sales level without significantly affect­ing the market price of its product. This explains why a firm operating in a perfectly competitive market has no [...]

By |2017-01-13T05:58:21+05:30January 13, 2017|Perfect Competition|Comments Off on AR and MR Demand Curve under Perfect Competition | Markets

Perfect Competition Market | Economics

A market is said to be perfectly competitive when all firms act as price-takers — when they can sell as such as they like at the going price but nothing at a higher price. This is so because every firm is so small a part of the market that it can exert no influence on market price by selling a [...]

By |2017-01-13T05:58:21+05:30January 13, 2017|Perfect Competition|Comments Off on Perfect Competition Market | Economics
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