Tag Archives | Farmers

Indebtedness of Farmers: 5 Government Policies

The following points highlight the top five government policies to relieve the farmers from indebtedness. The policies are: 1. Measures to Avoid Unnecessary Debts 2. Improvement in Civil Law 3. Measures for Restricting the Alienation of Land 4. Debt Conciliation and Liquidation 5. Future Supply of Credit. 1. Measures to Avoid Unnecessary Debts: It was felt that the best way [...]

By |2016-08-18T11:20:40+05:30August 18, 2016|Farming|Comments Off on Indebtedness of Farmers: 5 Government Policies

Fluctuations in the Incomes of Farmers

In this article we will discuss about the fluctuations in the income of farmers. Short-Term Fluctuations in Prices and Incomes: The production of many farm products is subject to quite large variations due to factors completely beyond human control i.e. lack of rainfall, floods invasion of pests, and other natural causes are capable of reducing produce to a level well [...]

By |2016-08-18T11:20:14+05:30August 18, 2016|Farming|Comments Off on Fluctuations in the Incomes of Farmers
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