Archive | Control

Top 3 Measures used to Control the Trade Cycle | Macro Economics

The following points highlight the top three measures used to control the trade cycle. The measures are: 1. Price Adjustment Policy 2. Price Control, Price Support and Rationing 3. Organisation and Management of the Labour Market. Measure to Control Trade Cycle # 1. Price Adjustment Policy: Those who regard market price variations as major causes of instability advocate a policy [...]

By |2015-12-01T15:23:35+05:30November 25, 2015|Control|Comments Off on Top 3 Measures used to Control the Trade Cycle | Macro Economics

Monetary Policy: Concept, Instruments and Objectives | Trade Cycle Control

Let us make an in-depth study of Monetary Policy:- 1. Concept of Monetary Policy 2. Instruments of Monetary Policy 3. Objectives 4. Monetary Policy during Depression 5. Monetary Policy during Inflation 6. Increasing the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy. Concept of Monetary Policy: Monetary policy seeks to influence the rate of aggregate spending by varying the degree of liquidity of various constituents [...]

By |2015-12-01T15:23:38+05:30November 25, 2015|Control|Comments Off on Monetary Policy: Concept, Instruments and Objectives | Trade Cycle Control
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