Archive | Economists

Reasons for the Disagreement among Economists

In this article we will discuss about the reasons for the disagreement among economists. No doubt economics is a science and economists use scientific methods with evidence about the real world, in a manner comparable with other sciences. There are various ways in which scientific knowledge devel­ops. One which is often fruitful is based on the gradual development of understanding. [...]

By |2017-01-13T05:58:27+05:30January 13, 2017|Economists|Comments Off on Reasons for the Disagreement among Economists

Biography of Adam Smith (With His Theories)| Economist

In this article we will discuss about Adam Smith:- 1. Introduction to Adam Smith 2. Life and Antecedents of Adam Smith 3. Factors Influencing 4. Philosophy 5. Smith's Naturalism and Optimism 6. Wealth of Nations 7. Economic Ideas 8. Theory of Value 9. Ideas on Distribution 10. Theory of Economic Growth 11. Laissez Faire or Economic Liberty 12. Critical Estimate. [...]

By |2016-05-23T06:16:25+05:30May 23, 2016|Economists|Comments Off on Biography of Adam Smith (With His Theories)| Economist

List of Famous Economist of the World

List of some of the most famous economist of the world:- 1. Jean Baptiste Say 2. James Mill 3. Lord Lauderdale 4. John Rae 5. Karl Heinrich Rau 6. John Ramsay Mcculloch 7. Henry Charles Carey 8. Hermann 9. Frederic Bastiat. Famous Economist # 1. Jean Baptiste Say (1767-1832): Jean Baptiste Say was a follower of the classical tradition built [...]

By |2016-05-23T06:16:22+05:30May 23, 2016|Economists|Comments Off on List of Famous Economist of the World
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