Archive | Population Growth

Population Growth and Economic Development

The following points highlight the nine main reasons for population growth as a retarding factor of economic development. Some of the reasons are: 1. Population and Per capita Income 2. Population and Supply of Food 3. Burden of High Proportion of Unproductive Consumers 4. Population and Unemployment 5. Population and Burden of Education, Housing and Medical Care and Others. Reason [...]

By |2016-03-02T04:10:16+05:30March 2, 2016|Population Growth|Comments Off on Population Growth and Economic Development

Effects: Top 6 Effects of Population Growth

The following points highlight the six main effects of population growth on the Indian economy. Effect # 1. Population Growth and Income Growth: During 1950-51 and 1999-00, India's national in­come (at 1993-94 prices) increased by 4.4% per annum. But population increased at the rate of 2.2%. The net result has been modest 2.1% in­crease in per capita income. Thus, in [...]

By |2015-10-26T12:42:22+05:30October 17, 2015|Population Growth|Comments Off on Effects: Top 6 Effects of Population Growth

Effects of Economic Development on Population Growth

Let us make an in-depth study of the effects of economic development on population growth of a country. Population growth affects economic development; and, in its turn, economic development affects population growth. So far, we have studied the effects of population growth on economic development. We now take up the effects of economic development on population growth. The last two [...]

By |2015-09-10T04:37:38+05:30September 8, 2015|Population Growth|Comments Off on Effects of Economic Development on Population Growth
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