Archive | Dualism

Social Dualism: Meaning, Characteristics and Critical Appraisal

Let us make an in-depth study of the meaning, characteristics, policy implication and critical appraisal of social dualism. Meaning of Social Dualism: According to Prof. Boeke, "Social Dualism is the clashing of an imported social system with an indigenous social system of another style. Most frequently the imported social system is high capitalism. But it may be socialism or communism [...]

By |2015-10-26T11:17:26+05:30October 19, 2015|Social Dualism|Comments Off on Social Dualism: Meaning, Characteristics and Critical Appraisal

Technological Dualism: Meaning, Characteristics, Explanation and Critical Appraisal

Let us make an in-depth study of the meaning, characteristics, features, explanation and critical appraisal of technological dualism. Meaning of Technological Dualism: Prof. B. Higgins explains the theory of technological dualism with the co-existence of traditional sector using traditional technology and modern sector using modern technology in less underdeveloped countries. In this context, dualism is "a situation in which productive [...]

By |2015-10-26T11:17:32+05:30October 19, 2015|Dualism|Comments Off on Technological Dualism: Meaning, Characteristics, Explanation and Critical Appraisal
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