Archive | Rural Indebtedness

9 Main Causes of Rural Indebtedness

The following points highlight the nine main causes of rural indebtedness. The causes are: 1. Better Position to Borrow 2. Farmer's Increased Credit 3. Un-Remunerative Farming 4. Heaviness of Land Revenue 5. Increased Standard of Living 6. Conditions Necessary to Induce the Money Lenders to Lend 7. Improvident Expenditure 8. Ancestral Debts 9. Questionable Practices of Money-Lenders. Cause # 1. [...]

By |2016-08-18T11:20:42+05:30August 18, 2016|Rural Indebtedness|Comments Off on 9 Main Causes of Rural Indebtedness

5 Major Causes of Rural Indebtedness

The following points highlight the five major causes of rural indebtedness. They are: 1. Past Indebtedness 2. Poverty 3. Land Improvement 4. Social and Other Obligations 5. Moneylenders. Cause #  1. Past Indebtedness: The root cause is past indebtedness. Rural debt is not only universal but hereditary. Ancestral debt is honoured in India and every villager considers it to be [...]

By |2015-10-26T12:40:11+05:30October 17, 2015|Rural Indebtedness|Comments Off on 5 Major Causes of Rural Indebtedness
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