Archive | Consumer’s Surplus

Consumer’s Surplus: Definition, Explanation and Criticism

Let us make an in-depth study of Consumer Surplus:- 1. Introduction to Consumer Surplus 2. Explanation of the Concept of Consumer Surplus 3. Definition 4. Assumptions 5. Explanation of the Law 6. Diagrammatic Representation 7. Criticism 8. Practical Importance 9. Explanation by Prof. Hicks. Introduction to Consumer Surplus: The doctrine of Consumer's Surplus which occupies an important place in the [...]

By |2015-11-17T05:14:30+05:30November 16, 2015|Consumer's Surplus|Comments Off on Consumer’s Surplus: Definition, Explanation and Criticism

Top 8 Theoretical and Practical Uses of Consumer’s Surplus

The following article highlights the eight theoretical and practical uses of consumer’s surplus. Use # 1. Distinction between Value-in-Use and Value-in-Exchange: Consumer's surplus bring into four distinction between the use value (i.e., utility) and the exchange value (i.e., the market price) of a thing. The former is reflected in the individual demand price and the latter in the market price. [...]

By |2015-10-26T12:56:40+05:30October 16, 2015|Consumer's Surplus|Comments Off on Top 8 Theoretical and Practical Uses of Consumer’s Surplus

Consumer’s Surplus: An Overview

The below mentioned article provides an overview on consumer surplus. Definition Of Consumer’s Surplus: The demand curve for a normal good is downward sloping due to the law of dimini­shing marginal utility. From the negative slope of the demand curve Alfred' Marshall developed a famous concept, viz., consumer's surplus. In the language of Paul Samuelson, "We enjoy consumer surplus basically [...]

By |2015-10-26T12:57:05+05:30October 16, 2015|Consumer's Surplus|Comments Off on Consumer’s Surplus: An Overview
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