Archive | Statistics

Graphical Re­presentation of Statistical Data

Let us make an in-depth study of the graphical representation of statistical data. Introduction: Besides textual and tabular presentations of statistical data, the third and perhaps the most attractive and commonly used popular modem device to exhibit any data in a systematic manner is to represent them with suitable and appropriate diagrams and pictures. The usual and effective means in [...]

By |2015-10-16T05:44:18+05:30September 15, 2015|Data|Comments Off on Graphical Re­presentation of Statistical Data

Methods for Collecting Statistical Data: 2 Methods

Let us make an in-depth study of the two methods for collecting statistical data. 1. Census Method: The data which are collected by the investigator himself is called primary data. Census data can be thought of as primary data. When the data collector or investigator collects data or information about each and every item in the population and other related [...]

By |2015-10-16T05:45:08+05:30September 15, 2015|Data|Comments Off on Methods for Collecting Statistical Data: 2 Methods

Advantages of Sampling over Complete Enumeration in Statistics

The following five points will highlight the advantages of sampling over complete enumeration in statistics.   (i) In any sampling method we consider only a small part of the entire population available and hence it requires less time, money and manpower. Complete enumerations, on the other hand, of course require all these factors in large quantities and therefore this method is [...]

By |2015-10-16T05:45:16+05:30September 15, 2015|Sampling|Comments Off on Advantages of Sampling over Complete Enumeration in Statistics
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